Amazing grace how sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me...." - gently the whole Sternplatz, our market place, is being filled with this well-known song...
It feels like heaven is opening just at this moment and God´s grace and love are flowing down.

Since the beginning of this year, we as City-mission felt a prompting of the Holy Spirit to bring worship into the city. Who would have thought that due the corona pandemic all public evangelism outreaches would need to be put on hold? But the more we were excited that street music was still allowed. So we used the favor of the hour to worship by twos in the city nearly every week.

When the presence of God comes, people start to react to it. Once, for instance, a woman expressed her anger about God being worshipped in a loud manner. Others were obviously touched and received the songs in their hearts.

And we could share Jesus with one homeless man who was listening really long; we told him that he too could start a new life with Jesus. Another man had tears in his eyes and we could talk with him about the cross.

Especially now, in the midst of the crisis, when we worship Jesus his call goes out to the lost: Come and follow me! For he loves them deeply.

anbetung stadt lüdenscheid jesus



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