„My name is Ina and I belong to the „Mission house“ of the FCJG. Only last week I read in Genesis how God was telling Noah to take his family into the ark to be saved. That really spoke to my heart because it is one of my desire to see my whole family saved by Jesus. In the past I could already experience that a part of my family started a new life with Jesus. I have many relatives who saw the change in me and my sisters`lives through the love of God and they became curious, Only last week 2 of my cousins visited us in our community and joined our Saturday night service. Both were touched by the presence of God. One cousin gave her life to Jesus after an altar call. The other started crying and said that she never experienced such a peace. She invited Jesus into her heart the upcoming day on a birthday party after receiving a prophetic word. I am still „open- mouthed“ how God is moving in my family. Words cannot really describe my thankfulness: But I can really say that He is faithful and He loves to save whole families.“ 
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