The Holy Spirit is working powerfully – today!
FCJG Horizon is the international travel ministry of Walter Heidenreich.
Horizon stands for infinite expanses and new, unknown territory! Heaven and earth meet here; one does not exist without the other. At the end of one horizon, a new one is already in sight, challenging us to look beyond and move forward. Stagnation has no place here. Eternal hope drives us on, and the promise of Jesus in John 4:35-36 gives us perseverance, "Lift up your eyes and look at what is already there. Be farsighted; it is already accomplished. The harvest is ripe ..." This idea of sowing and gathering, and of the ripe harvest, gave FCJG Horizon its name. A fantastic task lies before us! We are excited and grateful for every partnership in the mission to proclaim the Gospel in today's world!
About Us

Walter's Travel Schedule
Very early on, God called Walter to preach the Gospel. He began in Iserlohn, then continued in Lüdenscheid. Soon, invitations came from all over Germany, Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa, and Australia. Walter is a nationally and internationally known and recognized apostle, evangelist, and speaker. His ministry is aimed equally at the entire people of God and those far from God. A hallmark of his ministry is that the power of God and the work of the Holy Spirit are tangible today, and people's lives are permanently transformed! On this page, you will find Walter's schedule. You are always warmly invited and welcome to all publicly announced events. Please contact the organizers.
In everything we do, we have one goal: to encourage and train people so that they can bring in the global harvest themselves. For this reason, we have also released various products. Our FCJG Shop offers a wide range of powerful messages from Walter.

"A movement was born. Who conceived it, no one knew. Those who lived in it were united by rebellion against everything normal and the freedom to be who they were; the longing for peace and the rejection of any kind of violence." Walter Heidenreich was also part of this hippie movement. Rebellious and against all norms, he sought unrestricted freedom – he wanted to experience life to the fullest. In a completely unconventional way, God encountered him when he was at rock bottom, and it seemed like things couldn't get any worse... the beginning of a radical turnaround and a story that has had powerful impacts worldwide to this day.
„Help – I Need Somebody“ has been translated into 15 languages so far. Hundreds of thousands have read it. To this day, Walter's autobiography encourages people. It gives them confidence and hope that it is possible to receive new life from God and to start over again from scratch ...

After Help – I Need Somebody, this is the continuation of Walter Heidenreich's autobiography in book form. Enthusiastically and entertainingly, he recounts God's work in his life and the life of FCJG and HELP International. He also brings short spiritual statements to the point, expressing what is really important to him.

The prayers and proclamations of the apostles. Intercession after God's heart. Spoken by Walter Heidenreich.

Prophetic prayer directly from the Word of God, accompanied by prophetic music for praying along. Spoken by Walter Heidenreich.

Proclamations and prayers for God's people. Spoken by Walter Heidenreich.
In over 50 years of ministry, Walter has preached countless messages. You can find them in the FCJG Shop at Haus Wiedenhof during services, on the FCJG/HELP YouTube channel, and also on Walter's YouTube channel.
Ordering Products
Do you want to order products from FCJG Horizon? Then simply send us an eMail through the contact form with the desired product and quantity. We will get back to you. :)
Where you can find us
Do you have questions about Walter and Irene Heidenreich's international ministry? Do you want to request them as speakers, or want to order something? Then don't hesitate to get in touch, we're looking forward to hearing from you!
58513 Lüdenscheid