Worship & Mission – praying & going – Germany & the nations – that is our calling! In the Prayer House we are connected with world missions by praying for our missionaries abroad, for unreached regions and for the great commission to be lived out. But we also go!
For example to Pattaya, Thailand. Five people from our team will be part of an international outreach to worship, pray and evangelize in Pattaya.

Pattaya 01

Pattaya is a city marked by sex industry like almost no other and has been called the world’s largest brothel by media.
But Jesus loves Pattaya! Like a tsunami he wants to pour out his love over the whole city, so that tpeople will be set free to know him and worship him. God has placed that vision into the heart of the HELP International team in Bangkok and in November we will support them for two weeks. For the last months we have been meeting every week in the Prayer House to pray for the outreach. As we do that, God is preparing our hearts, faith is growing, He gives us scriptures that we can proclaim over the city and its people.
Worship & mission – Praying & going – Germany & the nations – all for HIM!

You can read the full vision and find photos and some background information about Pattaya here:

Thailand Pattaya
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