Prayer Mountain for the Nations
»Look, I say to you, raise your eyes and look at the fields and see, they are white for harvest.« Mt. 9:37-38
God's heart beats incessantly for the nations and his heartbeat is our heartbeat! Prayer and mission are inseparable.
We believe that if we position ourselves today as kings and priests in prayer and worship in order to stand for Nations, we can make a significant contribution to achieving this goal.
The Prayer Mountain for the Nations with the Prayer House, the training center "Revival School" and the mission branch HELP International has one vision:
Harvest workers for the harvest field of God!
By this we mean, gathering people from all denominations, backgrounds and nations, to equip and send them out. An essential basis for this to happen is prayer. Therefore, we cordially invite you to come and pray with us, or more likely become one with the heartbeat of God, to ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers to his harvest field.