Prayer Mountain for the Nations

»Look, I say to you, raise your eyes and look at the fields and see, they are white for harvest.« Mt. 9:37-38

God's heart beats incessantly for the nations and his heartbeat is our heartbeat! Prayer and mission are inseparable.
We believe that if we position ourselves today as kings and priests in prayer and worship in order to stand for Nations, we can make a significant contribution to achieving this goal.

The Prayer Mountain for the Nations with the Prayer House, the training center "Revival School" and the mission branch HELP International has one vision:
Harvest workers for the harvest field of God!
By this we mean, gathering people from all denominations, backgrounds and nations, to equip and send them out. An essential basis for this to happen is prayer. Therefore, we cordially invite you to come and pray with us, or more likely become one with the heartbeat of God, to ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers to his harvest field.



  • "The Lamb has conquered. Let us follow Him"....
    "Suddenly I saw the globe in the universe and the Lamb was moving around the globe. It had a flag in its hand with the inscription: I AM VICTORIOUS!!! FOLLOW ME AND PROCLAIM MY WORD! Some people followed him and proclaimed the word of the LORD. This lamb began its course 300 years ago in Herrnhut. T...

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  • So important to follow our impulses
    This is really just a small testimony. But such a powerful one. For the Word of God says, "I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous who have no need of repentance." (Luke 15:7)Read what Christian experienced when we went to pray togethe...

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  • "Pray for those who offend you."
    I say to you who listen:"Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,bless those who curse you,pray for those who offend you." (Luke 6:27 & 28)This is a clear, simple instruction and yet it is so little acted upon.We can think of umpteen arguments why it is just not that simple. Our feeling...

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  • Liberation from national pride
    With the inner determination to really be there and pray today, I went to political prayer that day. Despite all my efforts in this regard, I felt a resistance within me. Everyone was saying their prayers out loud, but not a word came out of my mouth. I could not join in the prayers from my heart, e...

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  • »The 7 Gates«
    A couple of weeks ago, we have started to unite with 50 different prayer groups in Germany in order to focus on prayer for our nation based on the vision of Daniel Capri. This prayer initiative will last until November. It’s not primarily about receiving a new vision or pressing into God in a new wa...

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  • Prayer between Promise and Fulfillment
    But Isaac had gone to the "well of the living One who sees me" and dwelt in the south country. And he had gone out to pray in the field toward evening.Genesis 24:62.63Again and again I have marveled with amazement and curiosity at Isaac in the Old Testament. Who is this man whose name is mentioned i...

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  • New Forest!
    Prayer Mountain is a place where the presence and glory of God dwell. As his people, God has entrusted this place to us to advance his kingdom – by prayer but also by gathering, training and sending people to the nations. What a wonderful commission in this glorious place!However, we also want Praye...

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  • Prophecy isn’t just for special occasions but for...
    Last Saturday we hosted a Prophetic Seminar day, people joined from across the nations via Zoom and right here in person!What a powerful prophetic day we had, Dr. Sharon Stone led us into the understanding of prophecy in such a sensational yet simple way that every person could grasp it.Many were en...

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  • God’s Wheelwork
    Wherever the Spirit wanted to go, they went, because there the Spirit went; andthe wheels were lifted together with them, for the Spirit of the living creatureswas in the wheels. Ezekiel 1:20Job – an exampleOver the years, I have pondered upon Job 42:10 a, »And the Lord restored Job’s losses when he...

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  • Did you ever notice
    that you don't have to agree with a person to pray for them?What is true for people in general is especially true for politicians. 1 Tim 2:1-2 gives us a clear instruction to pray for all leaders in authority.„I urge then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made ...

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  • Because He loves!
    What happens when you start praying for a country or a people? Yes, it changes you. You get God's heart for the people and he shows you his love for them. You do not stay the same. My name is Johan, originally from the Netherlands and living in Lüdenscheid for eight years. I am part of the Prayer M...

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  • The Anatomy of Movement
    How long can a person stand on one leg? I made it for 3.31 minutes, and that it is impossible to only walk on one leg, is obvious. Limping or jumping would be the most. As much as it takes two legs to firmly stand or be able to walk, in the same way it takes prayer and evangelism to merge. ».. bu...

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