Prophetic Fire, at this event Bobby Conner and Walter Heidenreich released the power and fire of the Holy Spirit through their prophetic-apostolic anointing. These two men are familiar with the word of God. They live and preach in the dimension of the supernatural. „I have been healed of tinnitus and a sleeping disorder.“ „My slipped disk has been healed.“ „I believe my breathing problemes are gone.“ Such statements from participants are a testimony of the healing power that took effect at the event. Spontaneous prophetic songs, impressions and singing in tongues were shared in accord with 1. Cor. 14:26: „When you gather, everyone has something...“ Bobby Conner called the free worship with open microphon an innovation. In a strong prophetic word Bobby spoke about a second wind of the Holy Spirit that would be stronger than the first one. The first wind refered to the 90s, when the work of the Holy Spirit in Toronto and Pensacola had had an impact on many nations. He called this outpouring of the Holy Spirit a puff compared to what lies ahead. The promise of a second wind causes us to expect a second strong work of the Holy Spirit.

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