
Support us with your donation!

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What amount would you like to donate?*
Donation details
SEPA mandate reference*
Donation receipt
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What is the sum of 7 and 3?
Thank you for your financial support!

Your donation helps ensure that people hear the Gospel of Jesus and experience God's love! This is done in a practical way by using donations to cover, for example, the ongoing costs of our ministries. You are welcome to specify in the purpose of the donation which ministry you would like to support specifically.

Information about PayPal/credit card

If you select PayPal or credit card as your payment method, you will be redirected to a PayPal page after submitting the form. Once the process is complete, you will be redirected back to our site.

Not sure what to donate for?

Let us inspire you!

House Wiedenhof

Our "Haus Wiedenhof" has been in existence for over 40 years. During this time, we have seen time and again how people - trapped in drug and alcohol addiction - have been sustainably changed and set free through the love of God and the power of the Holy Spirit! Your donation will help us to continue this work so that addicts can continue to make a fresh start and break free from addictive substances. You can find more information about our ministry here.


About 25 people live full-time together in our training center. They share their daily lives, do practical work together, have teachings, and devotions, and also go on international mission outreaches for at least three months a year. The REVIVAL SCHOOL is intended to train and equip workers who feel a long-term call to full-time ministry and mission. We help them discover and develop their personal calling and gifts. The goal of is to send out people into missions. Your donation supports us in training people of all ages—especially the younger generation—to radically follow God's call for their lives. Information about the REVIVAL SCHOOL and contact details can be found here.

City Mission

Our City Mission work has been ongoing for many years. While the evangelistic focus may change over time, the goal remains the same: to reach people who are lost and broken through evangelism and mercy ministries, practically showing them God's love. To achieve this, we regularly visit a homeless shelter in our city and seek out places where young people struggling with drug addictions gather. Your donation helps us to give these people a new life with a new perspective through the Good News of Jesus. You can find more information about our work here.


FCJG Horizon is the international travel ministry of Walter and Irene Heidenreich. Your donation allows them to pursue their calling and heartfelt mission: proclaiming the Gospel worldwide and equipping the body of Christ! They often preach in churches, at conferences, and seminars, and they also initiate or support evangelistic events on the street or in stadiums. If you want to learn more about this ministry, you can find more information here.

FCJG in general

FCJG Kingdom Ministries is a tool organization of our community. Here, all organizational tasks such as administration, event organization (conferences and seminars), and handling phone and written inquiries are carried out. Additionally, the FCJG Shop, worship services, and public relations are managed from here. Your donation supports us in acquiring the necessary equipment and covering staff costs, making all this possible. More information about the background of our ministry can be found here.

Prayer Mountain for the Nations

The prayer house is a place where prayer can happen 24/7. Visitors from any nation and denomination are welcome. Groups such as home groups or churches are also welcome to visit this place to pray together, be in God's presence, and hear from him. Over the past years, time and time again we have received testimonies of how people have received clear words from God or had deep encounters with him here. You are also warmly welcome! Your donation enables us to maintain an attractive place for prayer. More information about Prayer Mountain can be found here.

Bank details

FCJG Überkonfessionelle Dienste e.V.

Sparkasse an Volme und Ruhr
IBAN: DE41 4505 0001 0000 0251 30

FCJG Haus Wiedenhof e.V.

Sparkasse an Volme und Ruhr
IBAN: DE24 4505 0001 0000 0301 89

Gebetsberg für die Nationen

Sparkasse an Volme und Ruhr
IBAN: DE59 4505 0001 0000 1982 42

FCJG Schulungszentrum e.V. (REVIVAL SCHOOL)

Sparkasse an Volme und Ruhr
IBAN: DE42 4505 0001 0000 0213 29

FCJG Horizont

Sparkasse an Volme und Ruhr
IBAN: DE24 4505 0001 0000 3458 27

FCJG Stadtmission e.V.

Sparkasse an Volme und Ruhr
IBAN: DE23 4505 0001 1800 0265 18


How secure is my data?

Our online donation form uses a state-of-the-art SSL-encrypted technology. This ensures that sensitive information such as your bank details cannot be seen by anyone during transmission.

Will I receive a confirmation of receipt?

Just a few seconds after you have sent us your online donation, you will receive confirmation directly on your screen. Additionally, we will confirm the receipt of your online donation via eMail if you have specified this.

Will I receive a donation receipt?

We are regularly audited by the tax authorities and are recognized as a tax-exempt organization. For all donations made in a year, donors (if name and address were provided) will automatically receive a donation receipt in the first quarter of the following year.

What is an IBAN? 

IBAN is the International Bank Account Number. It consists of an international component — the country code and the check digits — as well as a national component. For Germany, this includes the German bank code and the German account number. The length of the IBAN varies depending on the country. In Germany, the IBAN is 22 characters long.

What is a creditor identification number for a direct debit?

Any company and association that wishes to participate in the direct debit system must register. They then receive a registration number, which appears on the debit in the account statement. The creditor identification number of the FCJG is: DE59ZZZ00001371360.

What is the mandate reference for a direct debit?

The mandate reference is a unique identifier assigned by the payment recipient (FCJG) for a mandate, which, together with the creditor identification number, ensures its clear identification. This number will be communicated to you by FCJG as part of a pre-notification.

What does pre-notification mean in a direct debit?

A pre-notification is a message that informs you as a donor in advance of the specific date your account will be debited and the exact amount. We are legally required to send a pre-notification with all the important data regarding your direct debit.