Prayer Mountain for the Nations

Prayer Mountain for the Nations

Prayer Mountain

People can pray on the Prayer Mountain 24/7. You are so welcome to come here and pray with us in Lüdenscheid, Germany!

A warm Welcome!

Welcome to Prayer Mountain for the Nations in Lüdenscheid, Germany! 
In recent decades we have seen a flood of new prayer mountains and prayer houses being founded across the world. These are places where people from different denominations and nations gather together to pray for revival, evangelism, and missions - many are even dedicated to establish  24/7 prayer, just like the Moravians. We are connected with many of these national and international prayer movements.

In Lüdenscheid, we too have seen thousands of visitors from all over the world come to the Prayer Mountain to encounter God, worship him and pray. In God’s presence, many experienced the miracle-working power of the Holy Spirit - such as renewal of their faith, receiving their calling, as well as healing and deliverance. 
You are very welcome to come and experience the same thing. You can register here, or just drop by.

(Walter Heidenreich)

Come and pray!

Leading verses

Experience God

“I will bring them to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer […]”
(Isaiah 56:7a)

Meet the body of Christ

“[…] for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all people.”
(Isaiah 56:7c)

Pray for the Nations

“Ask of me and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your possession.”
(Psalm 2:8)

Visitor reports

Time and again, people praying here encounter God in a life-changing way and are touched by the Holy Spirit. Many experience how God uses them to intercede for nations.

God's Heartbeat for Nations

In this place I experienced for the first time how God broke my heart for a nation. He showed me that His heart burns for Germany and at the same time it is in pain for this nation. He wants his children to come home. It touched my heart so deeply that it brought me to tears. The verse that says „the Spirit groans through us“ (Rom. 8:26) became a reality to me. No prayer or words came to me for what I felt. After this, I knew why it is so important that we proclaim the gospel wherever we go.

(Michelle Wüthrich)

Powerful Family Experience

Being parents of a large family without any worries? Almost impossible! We used to listen to a song with the children, "Forget your worries and don't worry! Pack them into a pot! Then run to Jesus, he's already waiting for you!" One time, with a pot full of worries, we spent time in the prayer house and literally applied the words of this song. We thanked Jesus for everything we had, worshipped him and surrendered a real 'pot of worries’ to him. After that, we cheered, because instead of worries, Jesus gave us joy and lightness.

(Diane Uppmann)

Extraordinary times with the Lord

We are so glad that you are friends of ours! On Prayer Mountain, time and time again we have experienced extraordinary times with the Lord!
This is the 7th time you have given us the opportunity to experience the presence of God in this wonderful place. Every time God speaks to us in a special way.

(Rabbi Rodion and Tatiana with their church from Cologne)

The Holy Spirit’s Fire and Flame!

When I arrived on Prayer Mountain in the summer of 2015, it was a dream come true for me. My regular visits to the mountain have brought about a steady spiritual development and blessing in our church in Düsseldorf. Every time I set foot on the mountain, I want to remain in this wonderful Father-child embrace. There I talk to God from heart to heart, especially during the quiet hours of the night.

(Pastor David Nwankpa, Mission Coordinator of the Assemblies of God Europe)


Opening hours Mon. - Sun.:

The prayer path and plateau are accessible day & night for people who want to pray there.

Prayer house: is always open 9am - 5pm
From 5pm - 9am it can be made available upon prior arrangement

Site Plan

The Prayer Mountain has three stations. A path that leads from the valley up to the plateau, past a large illuminated cross that can be seen from afar at night. The prayer house has a large prayer room and two smaller ones below. The toilets - including baby changing facilities - are also located in the basement of the prayer house. There are two roofed benches in the forest. In summer, there are plenty of benches throughout the grounds. On the Prayer Mountain there are also residential houses, FCJG’ REVIVAL SCHOOL (training center) as well as our offices for FCJG and HELP International.

Directions for cars & parking

Prayer Mountain for the Nations

Wislader Weg 9

D-58513 Lüdenscheid

Route planner / navigation device: 6JVH+PHQ Lüdenscheid

Please note: A45 full road closure between Lüdenscheid-Nord and Lüdenscheid:
If you want to visit us, you should expect delays due to rush-hour traffic within Lüdenscheid during the week. At weekends, on the other hand, you shouldn't have to plan any extra time for the journey, as the roads are usually quite empty. (Last updated on 26.06.2024 and without guarantee.)


There is a parking lot for visitors on Prayer Mountain. Larger groups may use the parking lot on the plateau, which is only available upon request.

Arrival by bus and train

Bus stop:
"Noell", Lüdenscheid + approx. 12-minute-walk (see map)

Lines: 37, 42, 53.
From "Noell" bus stop, walk downhill to the main road, "Altenaer Straße". Then turn left and after 200 meters you will see the inconspicuous entrance to Wislader Weg on the right. This leads straight to Prayer Mountain and the prayer house.

Nearby train stations:
, Altena (Westf), 
, Werdohl

Accommodation and food

Lüdenscheid offers some nice small hotels, two of which we would like to recommend:
„Hotel Stadt Lüdenscheid“ (Honseler Str. 7, 58511 Lüdenscheid)
 and „Schiller’s Hotel und Bistro“ (Schillerstr. 7, 58511 Lüdenscheid)
Regarding accommodation options on Prayer Mountain, please contact us via the contact form. Camping is something we currently do not offer on the Prayer Mountain.

Kitchenette & food:

There is a tea kitchen in the basement of the prayer house, which can be used in return for a donation or according to what's written on the notice board. Here you will find coffee and a variety of tea. There is also a microwave behind the top left cupboard door. There is no possibility to buy food on Prayer Mountain. For a quick snack, we recommend the café in the „Gartencenter Kremer“ as an inexpensive way to have a hot meal in a beautiful setting. (10 min. by car | address:
Altenaer Straße 38, 58507 Lüdenscheid | Tel. +49 2351 665 900 | Opening hours:
 Mon. to Sat.: 9am - 5pm | Sun: 11am - 4 pm

)  Otherwise, pizzeria „Tutto Bene“ offers delicious pizzas or pasta. There is a convenient parking lot just a few meters away. The FCJG worship service hall and the city center are also just a short walk away. Menu and opening times can be found at: (address: Bahnhofsallee 1, 58507 Lüdenscheid | Tel. +49 2351 5577 770 (All information as of 26.06.2024 and without guarantee).

Is Prayer Mountain handicapped accessible?

It is possible to avoid using the steps and smooth paths can be used instead, but it is good to take the steep incline/gradient into account in certain places. The prayer house and the REVIVAL SCHOOL are easily accessible, but the mountain is not specifically designed to be barrier-free! The prayer path and the plateau consist of gravel paths and grassy areas.

What is the idea behind Prayer Mountain?

God showed Walter Heidenreich a vision in the 1980s: he saw the Prayer Mountain – with buildings and everything else around it. It was literally swarming with young people. Then a huge map of the world came down from the sky. The young people formed into small teams, set off and disappeared into the map. 
(Read more about this in "When dreams come true", Walter Heidenreich, p. 94)

This vision is the foundation of the overall mission that we have at Prayer Mountain for the Nations with the house of prayer, the REVIVAL SCHOOL and the HELP International (international missions branch). Our hearts burn for the nations to be brought before the throne of God through prayer and mission. Therefore, you are also very welcome. The prayer house is not only our house, it is also your house! It is the prayer house for the nations!

How long has the prayer house been operating?

Prayer Mountain was established in the year 2000. The prayer path was added in 2003 and the prayer house was inaugurated in 2005.

Group registration

If you come with a group of more than 10 people, please register in advance. This can be done by sending an email to including your phone number so that we can get in touch with you.

Booking the Prayer House

It is also possible to book the prayer house for your own events. Please send us a request via the contact form and we will inform you about all details and costs.


Information about seminars in the prayer house can be found here.

Information for dog owners and smokers

You can bring your dog with you on a prayer walk, but please keep your dog on a leash. Pets are not allowed in the prayer house.

Please note that smoking is strictly prohibited on the entire Prayer Mountain property. Thank you for your cooperation.

Where to find us


We are excited to welcome you to Prayer Mountain for the Nations, a place that belongs to you and the people of God from every Christian denomination. Whether for a short stay or for several days, whether alone or in a group; your prayer will impact the ends of the earth! In addition to various seminars and prayer events, the prayer house also hosts regular prayer times with different topics, during the day or at night. 
Come and join us and feel at home!

Gebetsberg für die Nationen
Wislader Weg 9
58513 Lüdenscheid

Information on the protection of your personal data can be found in our privacy policy.

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