“You will be my witnesses.” Acts 1: 8
Jesus called us to share the Good News empowered by the Holy Spirit everywhere- starting in places we live until the ends of the earth. Lüdenscheid is a city on hills, the so called “city of lights” from where the love of GOD shall flow into Germany and other nations. Lüdenscheid has a history of revival. In the Middle Ages many people received healing in the “Kreuzkapelle”, a chapel which was located in the centre of our city.
In the 50ies many people got saved during tent crusades and devotions in factories which were led by a protenstant pastor. In the 90ies we experienced a strong and powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our community. Since 1984 we as the” FCJG- Citymission” are following whole hearted Jesus great commission. Different groups of people and nationalities are involved in God's great plan. God loves to reveal himself to people. The message of the cross is up-to-date since more then 2000 years!!! Through intercession, worship, mercy ministries, outreaches and community life we want to stretch out for the citys' best so that people easily will have an revelation of our loving and great God.