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I Can Do ALL Things!
In the kitchen of Walter's parents hung a Bible quote from the Apostle Paul, "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13). This letter was written by the Apostle Paul around 61 to 63 years B.C. and was addressed to the church of the Roman colony of Philippi in Macedonia (Greece). Although Paul was imprisoned in Rome at the time, and his future was more than uncertain, the letter literally oozes encouragement and joy in the gospel. What a strong faith, not based on feelings and experiences, but grounded in the Word of God.
Always Enough
Jesus says,“Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within him." (accord. to John 7:38). By this, He means the Holy Spirit, which all who believe in Him shall receive. Isn't it wonderful that we, as disciples of Jesus, can carry something so precious within us—something indestructible that endures even beyond death? Hallelujah! The richness of God's grace is so overwhelmingly abundant that there is always enough for us and for others.
Heroes of Faith
Throughout the centuries, and especially throughout the darkest times of mankind, the gospel has shone the brightest, and heroes of faith were born, through whom God made history. A revival story like no other! Right now, we are living in a time shaken by wars and crises worldwide. What seems hopeless and without a way out is, in fact, just another stage in God's grand end-time plan and serves as preparation for the return of Jesus.
Be Filled with the Spirit
Paul writes to the Ephesians, "Be filled with the Spirit." (Ephesians 5:18). It is the Holy Spirit who enables us to glorify Jesus as seen in the life of the Apostle Paul. We want to strongly encourage you to live oriented by promises. Don’t focus on your lack and problems, and don’t limit yourself where God wants to challenge you. Demonstrating his love is always possible! Jesus said, "You give them something to eat!" (from Matthew 14:13-21). The disciples saw only the two fish and five loaves, but in the background, a miracle was already in the making. Don’t wait for perfect circumstances and even more perfect people before you take action. Give what you have! Don't be intimidated by difficult circumstances and you will see that God is with you.
Around the Globe
In this spirit, we have been on the move again this year, defying weaknesses, taking on various faith projects, and traveling to many countries. You've already seen some of the stops mentioned above ... and here we take you on a little journey through some other destinations from this year:
Walter just returned from a 12-day trip to Vienna. It was one event after another, with services and seminars. He was spontaneously invited to minister in the service of Arabic Christians who gather in a Catholic church. The pastor of this congregation is often with our HELP team, where they experience the Holy Spirit so powerfully. And he wants the Holy Spirit in his church, too. What a powerful time in God's presence with these wonderful brothers and sisters ... and the best part: During the altar call, everyone gave their lives to Jesus! "God is Love"... that was Walter's message to the Arabic congregation, and you can watch it (German-Arabic ... skip ahead ... the service begins at minute 1:40, and Walter's message starts at 43:55 minutes):
Walter's Message:
Thank You!
Thank you for standing with us. You have helped people be saved, healed, provided for, and encouraged. Be blessed with the hopeful promise of Paul, “And my God will fully supply all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus!" (Philippians 4:19).
Walter and Irene