Jesus' Great Commissions is deep-seated in the bible and cannot be changed. Our fathers of faith, i.e. the Moravians (the biggest missions movement throughout church history) prayed, lived, believed, preached, sacrificed and died for this conviction. They knew that the bread of life, the wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ, has to be taken to the people of all nations despite any circumstances, crisis and challenges which have always been there and which will continue to arise.
Pray to the Lord of the harvest
Jesus said, »Lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! Therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.« (John 4:35 + Matth. 9:37)It takes people who receive and embrace this call. People who see the white fields and who go to bring in the harvest into the Father's house, for we sow and reap in season and out of season. Those who sow will reap and whoever sows in blessing, will reap in blessing.
8 Billion
We are living in a unique seson of human history - a season we have never seen before. Global population has reached the 8-billion-margin and most of them don't have a clue of who created and redeemed them. They don't know of Jesus who died for them and who rose from the dead; they don't know about the Holy Spirit who wants to enricht their lives so infinitely more.Open Doors
We are so very grateful for the many open doors that enable us to cast the bread of life upon the waters so it reaches the nations here on planet Earth.Thailand. Two weeks ago, Walter returned from Thailand. Amongst others, teams of HELP International went to the streets of Pattaya, which is also known as Sin City. Withing a couple of hours, 13 people of different nationalities gave their lives to Jesus with some even receiving healing. Up to that, most of these people didn't know a thing about Jesus before.
Texas. Ministering in one of America's metropolises, five children approached Walter after a service, for they wanted to be born again. He prayed with them and the presence of God met their desire. However, that was not it. They also wanted to get baptized with the Holy Spirit, and these kids started to praise God in new tongues in no time.
Let's be generous
We could share testimony after testimony. Sometimes there are crowds of people that respond to altar calls in front of stages, other times it's an individual whom you get together with somewhere. However, no matter who, all of them harbour the hunger and the desire in their hearts for a vivid relationship to Jesus. Jesus' commission in the gospel to »Go into all the world« refers to every born-again Christian no matter his nationality, skin colour, culture or tongue, for we have the bread that brings life. Let's generously pass it on!We are extensively travelling this year, i.e. to Myanmar and Nepal. Please check our itinerary. Thank you for all support, all prayers and for your friendship.
Let's close this blog with this: This world is all into Corona right now. Of course, we want to see this virus to be eliminated, however, above all our prayer is that the preaching of the gospel will not be negatively impacted or even stopped by this. Please pray with us!
Be blessed with God's overwhelming love that surpasses all understanding,
Walter & Irene Heidenreich
Preview 2021
Pakistan is calling!We are planning to answer this call at Easter 2021. For this, we will need finances, for the poor churches and pastors are desperate for support in order to organize and host these big revival events. If you want to donate towards this purpose, please note »Pakistan 2021« with your donation.