Application process

The process for any kind of application for the REVIVAL SCHOOL is this:

1) Please take time to read our facts & information page. Please note if you are from outside of the Schengen area we can only accept applications for up to three months.
2) Fill out the form below.
3) We will contact you and send you the application form.
4) Please fill out the application form and send it back to us.
5) As soon as we receive your completed application form, we will get in touch with you again as soon as possible. If you are offered a place, we will send you more information.
If you have questions concerning the REVIVAL SCHOOL or your application, please do not hesitate to contact us!


Please also note the general deadlines:
  • Application for one month or longer should be submitted at least one month before the start date.
  • No Deadline for applications for a Special Week or Experience Week but limited number of participants

Contact form

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