»... who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.« (1 Tim. 2:4)

Just recently, Walter met with friends in Berlin and they shared hearts regarding this verse. All people shall be saved – that’s the will of God. But is this also our desire for the nations and for our own country?


In Germany, hundreds of thousands of people are leaving the church every year and with this stating that they want to live without religion and even without faith in God. However, when you get to talk to them and share the good Gospel they are actually wide open, listen and love to receive prayer.


In the past weeks, Walter has travelled in Austria and Germany. Amongst other, he preached on how vitally important it is, especially in these challenging times when we face COVID-19 and its side effects that we preach the encouraging Gospel and proclaim hope. Let’s arise and proclaim that our God is alive and that he is demonstrating by his Holy Spirit, his gifts of power, healing and deliverance that he is for us. His anointing breaks every yoke – this makes all the difference which consequently glorifies Jesus.

Hafenchurch neu

We still plan to travel, but only God knows when the time is ready again. Right now, our sphere of activity is very limited, but the worldwide web opens doors. By ZOOM we get to take a look into living rooms and churches of many nations. On one hand it's encouraging, however, this cannot become a substitute for the foundation of our faith: to fellowship with one another. Thus, let’s do whatever is possible right now. Let’s continue to stand in prayer, let’s take heart and look up to Jesus from whom all salvation comes. He is faithful!

Open Air Hamburg

We are praying for you, that you may be protected and safe in everything God has entrusted you with. Be assured, nothing is in vain that you do in God's kingdom, even though it might seem insignificant. He will reward your faithfulness and your investment. He cannot but reward you, for this is his nature. He is always good. Thank you for your friendship and support.


Wishing you all a blessed and peaceful Christmas season and lots of joy and peace in the Holy Ghost.

Walter & Irene Heidenreich
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