For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared for us beforehand, so that we would walk in them. (Eph. 2:10)

A short time ago, Walter returned from the Czech Republic. Our HELP team in Vienna has been friends with some brothers and sisters for quite some time. Together with Tom and Dunja Koch from Lüdenscheid and the HELP Vienna team, Walter took off from Vienna to the small town of Hradec Králové. The church and many visitors from the area gathered in the local City Hall for two days of revival meetings. The expectations of the people were great, and our team literally walked in God's prepared works for them.

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Giving our Best

The Holy Spirit confirmed the preached word by His manifold works of power. Especially the young people were receiving with open hearts and arms, and as a result we spontaneously arranged for a teenager outreach to Vienna which is taking place right now. An answer to our prayers! For quite some time, our communities have been praying that the young generation would be gripped by God's Spirit, give their lives to Jesus and start to take the light of God's love into the increasing darkness of this world ... and we'll continue to pray. We want to see a new Jesus Movement arise. We want to see the gospel being preached throughout this earth, Christians living it out and people experiencing its power. Jesus is more than worthy that we all give our best for Him. 

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AFRICA Conference

We are gratefully looking back on above outreaches and especially to the AFRICA Conference in Lüdenscheid. If you were there, you will agree that we had a wonderful and special time with all particiapnts from so many nations.

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Next Steps

These are some upcoming events: The coming week, Walter will be in Imst (Tyrol) - if you are in the area, you are welcome to join the seminar Spirit and Life. A week later, he will then go to Japan and only return in the end of July. Walter is so excited to find out what God's prepared works will look like in Japan and how God is going to glorify Himself.

We bless you with the word from Eph. 2:10 - especially with view to this year's summer and holiday season. May the Holy Spirit lead and guide you into Jesus footsteps and protect you. Thank you for all prayers, all friendship and your faithful support.

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You are precious to God and to so many people!

Walter and Irene Heidenreich
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