The kitchen wall of Walter's childhood home read following bible quote by the Apostle Paul,

„I can do ALL things through Him who strengthens and empowers me - Christ Jesus.“ (Phil. 4:13)

The Apostle Paul wrote this letter around 61 to 63 AD. It was addressed to the church of the Roman colony of Philippi in Macedonia (Greece today). Despite the fact that Paul was in prison in those days and with his future looking anything but flourishing, the letter is dripping with encouragement and joy over the gospel. What a powerful faith not based on emotions and experience but rooted in the word of God.

Photo below: Uganda


Always enough

Jesus said, "He who believes in me as the Scripture has said, from his innermost being will flow continually rivers of living water." (acc. to John 7:38) He was speaking of the Holy Spirit who is falling on all who believe in him. Isn't it wonderful that as disciples of Jesu we may carry something so precious in us - something that cannot be broken and will remain even beyond death? Hallelujah! The riches of God's grace are abundantly powerful and overflowing and there will always be enough for us and others.

Photo below: Prayer House for the Nations (Lüdenscheid, Germany)


Heroes of Faith

Throughout the centuries and foremost in the darkest hours of mankind, the gospel has radiated the brightest and brought forth those heroes of faith with whom God has made and is making history. This revival history has no match! Globally, we are living in a season of wars and crisis which are shaking everyday life. However, what looks hopeless and doesn't seem to have any way out is another chapter in God's endtime plan and serves as preparation for Jesus' return.

Photo below: Japan

Japan 02

Be filled with the Holy Spirit

The Apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians, „Be filled with the Holy Spirit.“ (Eph. 5:18) It is the Holy Spirit who enables us to magnify Jesus just like the Apostle Paul. We want to encourage you to live up to God's promises. Do not worship your lack or your struggles, and do not limit yourself where God wants to challenge you. It is always possible to demonstrate God's love to the world!

Jesus says, "You give them something to eat!" (acc. to Matthew 14:13-21)The disciples looked with their physical eyes and only saw two fish and five loaves of bread. However, there was a miracle already in the making in the unseen world. Do not wait for conditions to be perfect and for people to be even more perfect before you step out and act. Give what you have! Do not get hypnotised by difficult conditions, but stand strong and you will see that God is with you.

All around the Globe

This was the driving force for our many travels throughout this year. We defied weaknesses, tackled faith projects and travelled the nations. You have already seen some of our global stops above. Following we want to take you on an excursion to more stops of this year's travels:

Tschech Republik 02

Czech Republic: Walter with Leos Heger (church leader and translator)

Norwegen 02  Imst 02

Norway (left) and Imst, Tyrol (right)

Schweiz 02  Deutschland

The Holy Spirit was moving powerfully in Frauenfeld, Switzerland (left). Visiting with the sisters of Lumen Christi in Rödermark, Germany (right).

4 Corners Wien neu  Ichthys Wiener Neustadt

Austria has a place in our hearts: Worship services at 4 Corners in Vienna (left) und at Ichthys Wiener Neustadt (right).

Pakistan  Nagaland

In May, Walter went to Pakistan (left) und in October to Nagaland, India (right).

Georgien 02  Armenien 02

Walter has visited the Republic of  Georgia for the very first time (left), followed by a repeated visit to Armenia (right).


Texas for Jesus - with our friends Steven & Camilla Charles


A couple of days ago, Walter returned from a 12-day-ministry trip to Vienna. Worship services and seminars followed each other at short pace. On top he was spontaneously invited to minister to Arab Christians who are gathering in a Catholic church.

Arab Gemeinde Video

The pastor of this group is often visiting with our HELP team in Vienna, who are experiencing the Holy Spirit so beautifully and powerfully. He wants the Holy Spirit to move in his church the same way. What a wonderful time in God's presence together with these precious brothers and sisters ... and the best: When Walter made an altar call, all of those present gave their lives to Jesus!

Video Message

"God is love" was the title of Walter's message at the Arab church. You can watch it, too (German-Arabic ... please scroll to minute 1:40 to watch the start of the service and to minute 43:55 to watch Walter's message).
Click on the photo or click here to access the worship service!

Thank you so much!

Heidenreichs CA rundThank you for standing with us. You share in the salvation, healing, provision and encouragement of people we are ministering to. Be blessed with the Apostle Paul's hope-inspiring promise, „And my God will liberally supply your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.“ (Phil. 4:19)
Wishing you all a blessed Christmas season!
Walter and Irene Heidenreich

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