Nuremberg, July 12, 2015 - 20,000 people were gathered at the Grundig Stadium, passionately worshiped Jesus and sat under Walter's powerful message. "The power of God is for you to be a witness in this world!" And this was just one message in the message ...

GOD TV transmitted Awakening Europe via livestream literally into all the world. During the event streams in 153 nations were recorded. Tens of thousands in the nations sat in front of their screens and followed the sessions - amongst these nations were also Afghanistan and China.

Now that Awakening Europe is over, you can still watch the whole event 'on demand' via GOD TV. Just go the link, scroll a specific day and watch. The Sunday morning session - inkl. an interview with Walter, worship with Chris Pöschl & band as well as Walter's uncut message - can be found under day 4. We want to encourage you to take this opportunity and re-watch the event or perhaps watch it for the very first time - a blessing to you and Europe. You are Europe!
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