that you don't have to agree with a person to pray for them?

What is true for people in general is especially true for politicians. 1 Tim 2:1-2 gives us a clear instruction to pray for all leaders in authority.
„I urge then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. (1. Tim 2,1-2 NIV)

Due to the Corona pandemic, we all have experienced during the past months how directly political decisions affect our everyday life.
How do we response?
Do we vent our displeasure in the social networks?
Do we criticize politicians and especially the German Chancellor?
Or do we pray for them more intensly?

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I wanted to take up this challenge and started praying for politics ( do you mean politicians?) years ago.
Prayers of blessing, prayer for wisdom, discernment and protection are my "basics".
Sometimes the Holy Spirit gives me a special bible passage, like Eph. 6, 10 -20:
The spiritual armor. Just as an idividual "puts on" this armor in prayer, one can also protect a whole nation with it.

The Holy Spirit is a reliable helper in prayer (Rom. 8,26). Neither pronounced political expertise nor personal sympathies are required.

Prayer for politicians has had an amazing effect on my personal life: I do not feel any more being at the mercy of their decisions.
I can "co-govern" in prayer.
Moreover, all the challenges of society draw my gaze back to Jesus, who is in control. And in my heart peace and trust is spreading, instead of fear of the future.

Manuela Schöttler

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