In the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament we find the scripture: My house shall be a house of prayer for all nations. (Isaiah 56,7 and Mark 11,17) What a powerful promise!
There is a thrilling relation between those two scriptures: It took 46 years to build the temple (John 2,20). In the New Testament the temple of God is you and me, our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (see 1. Cor. 3,16-17, Eph. 3,21-22).

And here is the genius, stunning relation: The temple was built in 46 years - and the human body is built from 46 chromosomes! These 46 chromosomes contain the human DNA.
What an amazing God who doesn't leave anything to chance. He reigns sovereignly over everything and at the same time even the smallest details are predetermined by Him.

This gives a complete new significance when we lay our hand on our heart, saying: "My House shall be a house of prayer for all nations, not a robber's den or a prison." It doesn't start with the Prayer House for the Nations, it starts with me, with my life … and from there it flows. My body is God's temple, a prayer house for all nations, built of 46 chromosomes, each one of them carrying God's DNA - the very definition of who I am!
The more we live from that DNA it is not a surprise that the Prayer House for the Nations is filling more and more with continuous prayer. For His house shall be a prayer house for all nations. And His house - that's us!

Birgit Janke
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