Hello, I'm Victor and I've been doing rehab at Wiedenhof since 10/26/2020. Since then Jesus is changing my life piece by piece.
I would like to tell you a testimony from me.
Since I entered rehab with a criminal record, I was in court in April for drug possession.
The past seemed to catch up with me again and I worried a lot and was afraid of going to jail.
Since becoming a Christian, I have been praying every morning at 6:30 a.m.; that morning was no exception.
When I got up, I had the impression that I should take a piece of paper and write "Free" on it.
Then it occurred to me that I should read Psalm 27. The first sentence in this Psalm reads:
"The Lord is my light, he saves me; of whom should I be afraid."

As I continued to read, all the burden and fear fell away from me.
At that moment, I knew that God was with me,
that God decides for me,
that he is a good, loving father
and that I can trust Him no matter what.

In court, I was enveloped in His peace.
When my lawyer asked me if I wanted to testify that I didn't have the drugs on me, I knew immediately that I wanted to tell the truth and that the truth would set me free. So I gave everything back as it really was. The judge asked me at the end if I wanted to say anything else. I felt God's grace and knew that I didn't have to defend myself anymore because Jesus paid for me. Instead of going to jail, the judge set a suspended sentence of 17 months in my favor, with the requirement to complete my rehab.

I hope I could encourage you with my testimony. God bless you.
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