Hi, it's me - Dustin. When I was 28 years old, I came to House Wiedenhof and my life was one big mess ...

I had no more friends, no money, no hope and my family didn't trust me any more. I myself ruined my life through violence, criminal acts, drugs and alcohol. The Wiedenhof crew welcomed me so warmly; they cared for me and helped me to get back on track. However, the most important was this: They introduced God to me. During prayer and worship times, Jesus encountered me again and again. And this "supernatural" powerful love has changed my life to the core. My old life is gone - "He has made everything new!"

Geschafft 04

Today, I am 31 years old and nothing is the same anymore. I used to be an irresponsible and for my age inmature boy. I have finished my rehab at House Wiedenhof and presently I am starting off as an entrepreneur in my professen (I am a barber). With all my heart, I want to pass on God's love and it's my desire that everyone who is lost out there may make the same experience as I.
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