When I entered the Wiedenhof about half a year ago, I had debts of around 20.000 Euro. A very disconcerting mess. From the day I moved in to the rehab, I had to learn to trust God and believe that with Him everything is possible; and that I would be able to get out of debts again.

The first miracle that I experienced then was that God put it on someone's heart to pay for my monthly dues of 200 Euro, which is an installment payment plan for my total debts of 16.000 Euro being managed by a debt counselling agency, during my stay in rehab. This actually released me from that obligation and made it possible for me to start my therapy in the first place.

The rest of my debts amounting to 4000 Euro were the sum of many small amounts I had from different creditors.
Right from the start of my time here in the rehab, with the help of the trustworthy staff of the Wiedenhof, I was able to contact my creditors and asked them for a deferment/moratorium on my outstanding debts until the end of my therapy, to which all agreed.

After this I just prayed and thanked God everyday for freedom from debt.

And just some days ago, I dreamt of a bank teller that said to me over the counter, “your credit of 20.000 Euro got approved. You can either have it all at once or by installment."
I wasn't really so surprised to have such a dream because the topic of finances really moved me a lot. However, the next morning after I dreamt, there was a deposit of 4.000 Euro on the Wiedenhof account with a note: “a gift to pay off the debts of Angelo” from an anonymous person.

That's God!!! I was able to pay the total sum of all my small debts with that given money, Hallelujah! To Him be the glory! God is a faithful provider! Believe it! For His promises are Yes and Amen! I'm confident and will stay in prayer that the 16.000 Euro remaining will be also paid swiftly and completely. With God everything is possible.

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