When I entered the Wiedenhof a year ago, I was 16, confused and broken because of drugs. I started taking cannabis when I was 13 and ended up taking Crystal Meth. 3 times I was rushed to the hospital because of an overdose. Many of my relationships with others got destroyed as well. I knew I needed help. Even though I had to stop schooling to get to this place I mentioned above I somehow knew that it would change my life.

At a point of real desperation; realizing I'm hitting a wall, I called the Wiedenhof together with my dad and, a week later. they took me in. God made a way. When I started my time here I realized that during the period of detoxification I hardly experienced any withdrawal symptoms at all. After about 2 months I was free from drugs. Jesus set me free. God restored my relationship with my family and renewed me inside and outside . Many wounds and hurts I was carrying when I came to this place have, in some good measure, been healed already and even up to this point I realize God is still bringing up more things in my heart that He wants to heal. Everything that I destroyed as a result of taking drugs He has restored and I am really happy to be here walking with Him into a future with perspective.

My goal/wish is to finish high school this autumn. And in the long-run, I have this burning desire in my heart to share what I received from God – wherever this shall be! God is full of love and He loves to take the broken and destroyed; and change it into something new and perfect so that He will be glorified and His wonders will be shared to others. To Him be all the glory!

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