...in HIM

Like a tree rooted in soil, drinking in water, basking in sun, we are supposed to be these natural fruit bearers. As a tree is rooted, so are we, drinking in his love, absorbing his light and bearing fruit of all different kinds.

Three weeks ago we arrived in Texas for our third, and final trimester of RSOTM. Between us, we transitioned from Thailand and Mongolia, to a new culture, language, food and surroundings. But one thing remained the same, being rooted in his love.

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Each person has had different experiences and encounters since arriving here, here’s some stories from a few of our students below..

His heart is consistent

»Arriving at the base in Austin felt like coming home. I love how FCJG/Help International has the same heartbeat even across oceans and borders. The people and the language might be different but God's heart and His Kingdom are the same. One of my favorite things from these first weeks has been meeting a number of people who are showing me what it means to be Jesus's hands and feet in very practical ways and who are following Jesus in obedience even when it gets uncomfortable.« 
- Elisabeth, 29

His heart tells me I can

»Those who know me, know that Evangelism is a challenge for me. Going on the street sharing about Jesus is not the thing I would normally choose to do. Too much fear of man, overthinking situations, being afraid of confrontations etc..all those things were holding me back.
I was led by so many circumstances, and found many excuses to NOT share the gospel with people. Fear of man in Germany, language barrier in Mongolia...you can always find a reason to hold back from sharing what God has put in your heart.
Since arriving in Texas I can finally say ‘I am over the mountain.’
I am excited and ENJOY going on the streets. Something changed, right now I can’t really say what it is, but I know God is working on my heart. I have no excuses anymore. God showed me I CAN.«
- Flo, 20

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A heart that breaks for what breaks His

»God really began to break my heart for what broke his as we went to 6th street to share the love of God. This is a street full of bars and brokenness, from homeless to addiction and bondage. I saw how much darkness was there and we were able to prophesy and pray for people and bring his love to the people. What moved my heart most of all was that a young pure uncompromising generation rises up to fill this place with true light and true love, as this changes everything. I used to be rooted in so many other things but Jesus, but He’s the one who changed everything. My heart desire is that the young generation deeply encounters his love and goes into these places too - But what’s my part in this? I sense God has given me two keys, firstly to pray with deep conviction, and secondly, to disciple - meaning to speak the truth in love with those God has positioned around me.«
- Melody, 25

Love is active

»When we washed the feet of the homeless under a bridge in Austin, I felt so much love of Jesus for the broken. He didn’t have any expectations towards people, He didn’t push them into something. He came to serve and give His whole life. He got his hands and feet dirty. I saw how the ugly place under the bridge became a beautiful place of love in action. Since then my heart has changed, and the love in my heart is growing..«
- Angi, Leader of RSOTM Texas

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Being rooted in his love always makes the difference, as this permits his love to permeate through us and reach others.

The love and heart beat of God has already been revealed in many different ways, and it’s only the first of three months. It’s also great to see how our every day life such as; practical work, conversations at the dinner table, and teachings even flow with this theme. It’s so precious to see how personally and uniquely the love of God leads us to be rooted deeper in him. When we’re rooted in him EVERYTHING is possible.

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"Then, by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, and the resting place of his love will become the very source and root of your life. Then you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences—the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. How deeply intimate and far-reaching is his love! How enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding—this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God!"– Epheser 3,17-19
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