Worship Art

The following two prophetic pictures proclaim God's truth for this time and for specific regions. They are currently displayed in the Prayer House, where they encourage prayer and worship.


'The whole earth acknowledge the Lord and will return to him. All the families of the nations will bow down before him. For royal power belongs to the Lord. He rules all the nations.' Psalm 22, 27+28
einelbild jeanine 3

Jesus completed everything on the cross. It is done, it is finished. He disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities.
It is victory for the whole of eternity. The veil was torn in two, the way to the father open and free- available for everyone.
His glory shines through it all, it lights up everything, and makes the impossible possible.

Artist: Jeannine Specht

einelbild jeanine 2

Jesus’s love Wounds over Myanmar

'We love Him because He first loved us.' 1 John 4,19
einzelbild marieann 1

Jesus stands as the victor over Myanmar, the blood and water that flowed when they pierced HIM is symbolic of your sins,
they are forgiven Myanmar. Cleanse and sanctify yourself in the water bath through the Word of God.
A river of life flows through the arid land and floods the wasteland with streams of living water.

The lily as a desert flower.

The lily in the valley, blossoms in the desert. Where there is desert and drought in the land, God works mightily and new life grows in secret. From the love relationship with Jesus a miracle is born, the blood and water of Jesus is enough for it to grow to full bloom and glory. Something new is growing in Myanmar.


Artist: Marianne Siegenthaler

einzelbild marieann 2
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