This is totally contrary to the perspective of most Filipinos, who are held in inferiority, family bondages, drugs or poverty. This young man did not only make it to escape this vicious circle by the power of Jesus, however, he is serving his nation and wants to be equipped in order to go to the nations. God wants to equip and send people from the Philippines. For this reason, we are setting up a school building and start the REVIVAL SCHOOL (one the Move) on August 1, 2017 – a very practical DTS, made for hungry followers of Jesus, who want to follow his call: »Go into all the earth, make disciples of all people and teach them to obey all that I’ve told you!« (Matth. 28:19)Learning by doing
We are living together and share our lives, just as Jesus did with his disciples. Jesus took them wherever he went and they learned most of the things while they were on the move- learning by doing.Thus, we are having corporate teaching sessions, times of impartation and equipping, prayer and worship in our school as much as on the garbage dumps and in the squatter areas (slums). The students are learning to serve a louse-ridden orphan and a drug addict in the same way as they serve their roommates, by walking in the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s not about methods, structures or dry theory but it is all about a live lead by the Holy Spirit. We will do what we see the Father do, just like Jesus did - no matter the cost and we are going wherever he leads us. This was the way the disciples learned as well; the way they grew strong in the power of the Holy Spirit and the way people got saved, redeemed, healed, equipped and were sent.
In August 2017 we start a three-month-training block with students from the Philippines and from. In 2018, we will offer a full year international and national training program. If you are interested to join us, get in touch with us by eMail and apply!
In addition, our base in Lüdenscheid is hosting the REVIVAL SCHOOL on the Move with which you can do nation-hopping - to Thailand, to Texas, to Mongolia and to the Philippines.