And the angel said to them, »Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people.« Luk. 2:10

A turbulent year is coming to a close. We are full of gratefulness and thanks for the Holy Spirit's guidance and protection, all provision and the many open doors we encountered to preach the gospel in the nations.
However, we are as much grateful for the many friends throughout the nations who pray for and have been standing with us for so many years. These are wonderful blessings of God in a time of polerization, isolation and separation. Thank you so much!

Zoom 2021 12


In the days when Jesus was born, the people in Israsel (and beyond) were extremely challenged in managing everyday life. Suddenly, angels appeared to the shepherds on the field - they truly had an angelic encounter - delivering this powerful word, »Do not be afraid!« What a wonderful message. We find it 366 times in the bible - one for every day, leap years included. And with that they announced the coming of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.

When God says something like this, he means it ... and then it is possible to literally live withouth fear and anxiety. It means to experience a deep inner peace, security and confidence in Jesus.

Videoaufnahmen 2021 12

With this deep confidence that Jesus holds everything in his hands, we are speaking this word over you in this Christmas season and also over the New Year ahead of us:

»Do not be afraid!

Behold, I bring you good news of great joy!«

Joy - for Jesus is alive, he loves us and he has always a good plan for all of us. He is still the Saviour and Healer and it is a wonderful privilege to know HIM and to make HIM known.

Wien EN

Plans 2022

In the beginning of the new year, Walter together with a team will go to Uganda. Further mission trips to Asia are in the making. Please check our itinerary.

Thank you very much ...

... for all support towards our new ministry car which we will purchase in spring. Please continue to stand with and to help us.

Heidenreichs PDF

May you have a peaceful Christmas and we are wishing you a blessed, fearless New Year!

We love you!

Walter & Irene Heidenreich
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