We hope that you are doing good in all things ... even in these challenging days. In the past weeks, Walter and some friends travelled to Uganda, Poland and Armenia. We witnessed that the time for salvation and revival is always NOW - not tomorrow or in a couple of months, it's TODAY and NOW.

Uganda Newsletter


God is relentlessly working to show people all over the world his mercy and love. The power of the Holy Spirit is real and tangible. God moves where the wonderful Gospel is powerfully preached and demonstrated. Look at the photos below and rejoice with us. Or visit Walter's YouTube channel ... the clips tell their own stories.

Uganda (photos)

Poland (photos)

Armenia (photos)


Well, we have more good news, even though of a different kind: After a long search and lots of prayer we have purchased a great used car. Thank you for your support. Driving with this new car makes us feel a lot safer.

Auto 02 Newsletter

We are getting ready for our long awaited and desperatly needed vacation, and after that we are moving on. Invitations and challenges are already in the making ... and who knows ... maybe the Holy Spirit is bringing us together in one place or another.

Walter Irene August Newsletter

Thank you and goodbye

Once more we want to thank you for your support, your love and all prayers. Be blessed with God's love and his miracles in your lives.

Walter & Irene Heidenreich
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