God is a God who works miracles - through us and through you! For 40 years we have been walking with Jesus and seen him work miracles all along the path - in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Mongolia, Thailand, Dagestan, Myanmar, Brazil, etc. We are excited about him and what he is doing. He remains the same forever. There is no turning in him, and he is doing miracles today and even calls forth new things!

FCJG Horizon

There are a few pillars in our ministry that stand strong and on which our international ministry is built on:
- Diversity
- Unity
- Training
- Evangelism
- Outreaches

Video Clip

On the occasion of the BURNING HEARTS event in Lüdenscheid we compiled a clip in order to introduce FCJG Horizon, and we would also like to show you this clip on our site. Enjoy watching it!

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