»God is faithful, and through Him you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.« (1 Cor. 1:9)

Since January 2022, we have gone to different continents to preach the gospel of Jesus, to teach and to get together with wonderful friends. Finally, after two years of the pandemic and its restrictions, it's possible to travel again without having to bear too much effort.

Mongolei 2022 03

When Dreams Come True

The highlight of this year's missions trips was our trip to Mongolia. 30 years ago, a team from FCJG set out for the very first Mongolia short-term outreach. They brought the gospel and relief goods to this nation with its breathtaking nature. Every day during this outreach, Walter peached on the black market, called Zach. There were miracles and that's how our as well as FCJG's and HELP's history with this exotic nation and its beautiful people beganf. The outreach quickly became a long-term project, for so many people gave their lives to Jesus and we simply couldn't leave them to their own device.

Mongolei 2022 04

The Book to the true Story

If you know German and if you want to find out more of what happened, please read our book Wenn Träume wahr werden (When Dreams Come True). You may order it online at the FCJG Shop. Go to the Shop!

Just like in Acts

This time our first stop was in Bayan Ulgii. Our HELP community gave us a very warm welcome and together we celebrated our 30th anniversary in Mongolia. We met a meanwhile old man in a very remote kazakh town close to the border, who remembered us from 30 years ago and had given his live to Jesus back then. In the past years he founded a few churches and to this day he loves to worship. He writes originals and led us in worship. When we prayed together, he received the baptism with the Holy Spirit, and with his eyes beaming he said, »This is just like in Acts.« It was so moving and tears ran down our faces. And this was not the only time ...

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Faith never fails

Whether in Bayan Ulgii, Ulaanbaatar or in the Jesus Family in Henti, everywhere we got a warm and loving welcome and peopled expressed their thankfulness. We were deeply moved. Jesus maintained and multiplied that which has always burnt in our hearts: the love for him, for the Father and for the Holy Spirit, the love for the gospel and for the lost, the poor and needy as well as the love for one another which enables us to worship this wonderful God. All glory belongs to him alone. A small step of faith can do so much. We could help countless people in need; they got saved, got baptized in water and baptized with the Holy Spirit, and they got equipped for ministry. We want to thank everyone who has helped to make the kingdom of God visible and tangible in Mongolia in these past 30 years.

Here are some more impressions from our missions trip to Mongolia:

Thank you!

Thank you, Cäcilie Reuss and Chimka, for tirelessly translating for us and enjoying to be ready for whatever and whenever. And thank you to all HELPers, FCJGlers as well as to the Mongol leaders for your love and hospitality. We continue to travel – July 15 we are heading for Uganda, followed by Poland and Armenia.

Mongolei 2022 09  Mongolei 2022 10

Walter mit Cäcilie Reuss (Bild 1) ... und mit Chimka (Bild 2)

Closing with good news!

This week we are picking up our new used ministry car. Finally we found time to look for one AND found it. We only need a little amount and then we can close this project. Thank you so much for all support! Our prayers are with you.

Mongolei 2022 11

May the rivers of his love and blessings lavishly wash over you!

Much love,

Walter & Irene
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