Media- und Fotohinweis für FCJG Veranstaltungen
Uns ist es ein Anliegen, das Wirken und die Kraft Gottes mithilfe von Medien bekannt zu machen - und du bist ein Teil davon.
Bilder sagen mehr als tausend Worte ... deshalb machen wir von Veranstaltung und Gottesdienst Video- und Fotoaufnahmen, die dann öffentlich in sozialen Netzwerken (FCJG-Facebook und FCJG-Instagram-Seite), auf unserer Homepage und für Printmedien (Unser Weg, Rundbriefe und FCJG-Werbung) verwendet werden. Wir legen großen Wert auf guten Umgang mit deinen Daten und Bildern und werden sie nicht außerhalb der FCJG verwenden oder an Dritte weitergeben.
Wir möchten dich aber ausdrücklich auf die Verwendung unserer Videos und Fotos hinweisen, damit du nicht überrascht bist, wenn du dich im Netz oder in einem unserer Prints wiederfindest.
Wenn das für dich nicht in Ordnung sein sollte, werden wir gemeinsam eine gute und akzeptable Lösung finden. Wende dich bitte an Claude Widmer, dem FCJG-Verantwortlichen für PR, Media und Datenschutz.
Wir wünschen dir eine super Zeit mit und bei uns!
Wir berufen uns hier auf das KUG §22 Abs. 3 und DSGVO Art. 85 Abs. 1
However, Tengerin Doo is and means a lot more. This name expresses our heart's desire, which is 1) to give our Father in heaven together with the angles the worship that the deserves and connect our hearts with his, and 2) to make the sound of heaven audible on earth, soak it in, filled with hope and belief that God will make a way to reveal himself to us. What a great name and a to the point description.
FCJG we are very much focusing on surfing the wave the Holy Spirit is kicking off for each season. In 1993 the worship scene in Germany and beyond was revolutionized by the worship conference In Your Presence which we ran in a tent. Back then, we were simply tired of standing in front of stages and staring two metres up and expecting something awesome and splashy from the musicians. Today we are facing almost the same situation. We sense that God wants to see his people a lot more involved according to the scripture: "When you gather together, everyone has something ..." (1 Cor. 14:26) And that's happing more and more. The musicians open up the spiritual realm, but remain as part of the crowd. This opener releases dancers, painters, soloists, singers as well as the gifts of the Spirit to flow in wonderful freedom. Of course, such events are always an experiment and exciting for one never knows where the journey takes us. No matter where and what – the outcome is always encouraging and uplifting. That's what Tengerin Doo is all about – the sound of heaven, the heavenly song. What will the next wave look and be like? Though we don't know, we can look forward to it. Perhaps one day some other band will be named Tengerin Doo again, or we are going to see something completely new rising up. However, one thing is for sure: We will never stop to encourage the body of Christ to be a part of Tengerin Doo – the sound of heaven! We are considering to start a series of worship events named Tengerin Doo Events! Wouldn't that be great? The body of Christ is gathering in order to do what it is called to do. "But a new time is coming. In fact, it is already here. True worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. They are the kind of worshipers the Father is looking for." (John 4:23)
Irene Heidenreich
If you are interested to develop or to increase your personal style to worship Jesus in a creative way, you're welcome to leave a message!
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58513 Lüdenscheid
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»Unser Weg« (The Path)
Unser Weg (The Path) – no ordinary newsletter
“My praise shall be of You in the great assembly ...” (Psalm 22:25)
It’s meanwhile almost four decades that God has lead us in the true sense of the word a miraculous path ... and it hasn’t changed until this day. With each edition, Unser Weg talks about miracles, stories, impulses in our lives as well as in the lives of people we are walking alongside with – or to put it as Psalm 22 says – “My praise shall be of You in the great assembly”.
Thank you very much for your friendship and moving on with us. Thus, Unser Weg is not just a magazine or newsletter, but rather sharing in our experience with God and with one another.
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