'Even them will I bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon my altar; for my house shall be called an house of prayer for all people.' Isaiah 56,7
The prayer mountain for the nations is a place of prayer and worship from where our cities, our nation and other nations shall be blessed and been brought in intercession before the throne of God. Every single prayer prepares a way for the Holy Spirit to change this world.
The prayer mountain welcomes christians of all denominations, cultures and nations. Everyone is invited to spend time in Gods presence.
To the prayer mountain of the nations belongs the house of prayer and the prayer path, which leads to the prayer plateau.

How it all began:
When I travelled to Uganda in January 2000 with some of our leaders to join an international prayer conference, we had no idea which influence this journey would have. During the conference God spoke to us in a very personal and insisting way and enlarged His commission to bring His love to the nations: He called us into prayer for the nations!
After coming back we started the prayer mountain for the nations on our compound 'Wislade' where the revival school is located and in 2005 we opened the house of prayer. We invite you to spend time at the prayer mountain for the nations and at the prayer house as it is not 'our' FCJG prayer house, but it is for the body of Christ and for all nations!

Walter Heidenreich



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